(2841) Proposal to conserve Lechea verticillata ( Bergia ammannioides ) ( Elatinaceae ) with a conserved type



(2841) Lechea verticillata Willd., Sp. Pl. 1: 495. Jun 1797 [Angiosp.: Elatin.], nom. cons. prop. Typus: Ind[ia], 1791, Klein, right-hand plant (B-W barcode B -W 02396 -01 0!), typ. Many authors (e.g., Backer in Van Steenis, Fl. Males., Ser. 1, 4: 203–206. 1951; Verdcourt, Trop. E. Africa, Elatinaceae: 1–5. 1968; Sohmer Dassanayake, Revis. Handb. Ceylon 424–427. 1980; Verdon Jessop, Centr. Australia: 228–229. 1981) have attributed the name Bergia ammannioides to Roth (Nov. Sp.: 219. 1821), while others such as Thiselton Dyer (in Hooker, Brit. India 250–252. 1874), and & Bakhuizen van den Brink (Fl. Java 205. 1963) adopted B. Roxb. (Hort. Bengal.: 34. 1814). Those who done so presumably because they considered be a nomen nudum. However, noted by Robinson Philipp. J. Sci., C 7: 411–419. 1912), since Roxburgh (l.c. 1814), when he published ammannioides, made reference footnote can accepted novum for Willd. (Sp. 1797). Also Willdenow 2: 770. 1799) had validly another taxon, epithet was unavailable 1814 1814) is legitimate. (l.c.), no mention of Roxburgh, indeed it would seem that quite unaware Roxburgh's use name. indicated based his on specimen received from Heyne. He also gives Heyne source As this not Willdenow's verticillata, therefore that, under Art. 53.1 ICN (Turland al. Regnum Veg. 159. 2018), later homonym It obvious whether used or thought were applying same species. For purpose determining traditional usage Roxb., only practical solution treat adoption an author bibliographic error The species which has been applied occurs over wide region extending Africa through Asia Australia. common weed rice paddies waste places many regions world l.c.; Holm al., Geogr. Atlas World Weeds: 45. 1979; Soerjani Weeds Rice Indonesia: 268–269. 1987). Both (l.c.) 1814; Ind., ed. 1832: 389. 1832) 5-merous taxon. Later, Wight Bot. Misc. 3: 93–95. var. triandra closely related 3(–4)-merous Fischer Meyer Linnaea 10: 69–75. 1835) recognised taxon distinct trimera. In addition number floral parts, distinctness two taxa supported characters indumentum (glandular hairs ammannioides), shape sepals petals, style/stigmas (sessile trimera) seed ornamentation. trimera appears confined India, Sri Lanka Australia, wider distribution including Middle East, observed 3-merous elements mixed one population nor gatherings herbarium sheets indicate both might occur population. found few workers Sohmer, l.c.) broad sense, include 3(–4)- plants. most plants only, e.g., (Roxburgh, l.c. 1832), Pakistan (Ghapoor Ali Nasir Ali, W. 19: 1972), East (Rechinger, Lowland Iraq: 433. 1964; Zohary Feinbrun-Dothan, Palaest. 364–366. (Oliver, Afr. 151–154. 1868; Wild Exell Wild, Zambes. 373–378. 1961; Obermeyer Codd S. 22: 28. 1976; Boutique, Congo, Rwanda Burundi 1–3. 1967), Taiwan (Huang, Taiwan, 788–790. 1977), Malesia (Backer, Brink, Australia (Black, 2, 579–580. 1952 [photolitho repr. 1964]; Cunningham New South Wales: 499. 1981; Verdon, Jessop Toelken, 881–883. 1986; Leach Adelaide Gard. 11: 75–100. 1989, line, https://profiles.ala.org.au/opus/foa/profile/Bergia 2019; Jacobs Harden, Wales 492–493. 1990, Wheeler, Kimberley Region: 155–158. 1992). All Australian above their treatments adopt Fisch. C.A. Mey. former. A Bentham, Austral. 178–181. 1863; Dyer, Trimen, 92. 1893) treated varietally These either (Fisch. Mey.) Benth. l.c.), earlier strict sense Mathew Britto Mathew, Tamilnadu Carnatic 86–91. 1983) (Excurs. Tamilnadu: 1991). Since replacement its type L. (Art. 7.4). There account typification verticillata. cited specimens but reported origin “Habitat orientali” seen dried material. According Hiepko (Herb. Willdenow: Alphabetical Index, IDC, Schlechtendal usually wrote top corner sheet botanist whom specimen(s) lower corner. available description labels attached outside folder. Herbarium at Berlin annotated “L. verticillata” 2396/1 (barcoded 0). This bears Schlechtendal's annotation “Klein Ind. 1794” indicating material collected D. Klein 1794. folder label hand, reads part “Triandria Trigynia | floribus verticillatis, […]”. reasonable referred protologue preserved sheet. are fit modern concept Bergia. left-hand side referable trimera, ammannioides. I B-W (on 24 June 1991), clearly represent different are, therefore, 8.2). assumed prior publication accept original (Art 9.4) stated: “Calyx triphyllus. Corolla tripetala. Stamina tria.” “Styli tres. Capsula trilocularis.” information full agreement with conflict side. designation enable current maintained. danger being superseded grounds “it serious protologue, case element chosen” 9.19), leading lectotype. avowed substitute so, whichever designated type, If presently known mean those consider 5- varietal level, new shown widely consistently used, 1821, persists present day, prevented 57.1 “unless until proposal deal 14.1 56.1 submitted rejected”. We nomenclatural stability served best if continue propose (l.c), replaced synonym conserved 0 Herbarium. ensure continues regard specifically refer 5 3(–4) merous level. alternative simply designating lectotype seems viable option, given significant protologue. GJL, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5171-7843 manuscript co-authored late Gillian Perry Western am greatly indebted her wisdom. grateful John McNeill helpful discussion meticulous editing.

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عنوان ژورنال: Taxon

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['0040-0262', '1996-8175']

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/tax.12584